I was really into this one until it came out that he had cheated in some instances, even sleeping in a hotel some of those nights he was supposedly roughing it in the wild.
Anyway, I always wondered since he had that crew with him. Now I watch Survivorman, and I like the fact that he explains survival skills along with how he does the show.
Man vs. Wild review

Kingdom Hearts II review

Perhaps if I had played this game without playing the first I may have found it more entertaining. However, KH2 felt too controlled and the worlds too short to fully enjoy. In a way I felt they made this game for a younger audience than KH1 was made for. Honestly, I have tried playing it twice and haven't been able to go through the entire game. I have gotten frustrated by the lack of effort needed to play it. I may perhaps try again, but for now I think I will go back and play the original KH.